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Friday, August 15, 2008

Portland.. day 2.

So today we decided to head out and take a look at some of the neighborhoods.. We started with Alberta. Someone recommended that we eat at La Bonita, so we tried it.. and we liked it.. good Mexican food for a good price..

Then we traveled down the street a bit, this place is kind of like one of the streets in Berkeley, CA.. There are a lot of little shops and restaurants all along the street. It is also a really long street.

We stopped about half way down at a coffee shop called "Fuel Cafe" and had some coffee. One good thing about Portland is that there are a lot of places that have free internet..It has been a little hard with Josiah crawling now, and the fact that he is a daredevil doesn't help. So we can no longer relax and just have a cup of coffee and read unless he is asleep..

After the coffee shop we walked back down the street to our car and waited for our friend Mary to meet us. It took her like 20 or so minutes, but it seemed like the longest 20 minutes ever.. so hot..

She met us and took us to her house where we stayed for a few hours.. again, people in Portland, OR are not used to the heat so there was no AC.

After we left there we decided that we needed to not be outside for a while, and so we headed to the mall [Loyd Center].. It was a mall like any other mall, with one big difference.. a huge ice skating rink inside.. We walked all over the mall and also sat down a lot, they have a lot of really nice creative setting all around the mall..

We left the mall and headed back to the place that we are staying and did the best thing that you can do it the heat.. cook pizzas. They were good pizzas, we had them last time we ate dinner with the Pecaut's. They are made on pita bread, and cooked in the broiler.. they were good, it was just to hot to use the oven..

After that we sat around and were just really exhausted.. until tomorrow..

1 comment:

Candace said...

Fun fun!! You are making me want to go visit Portland. It's just a bummer that you brought the heat with you.