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Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I found this make your own poster and thought that it would be a good picture for this post..

So this weekend at the Stirring we are going to be talking about the political elephant.. This topic is really hard for me.. I have never really been into politics, like at all. When it comes to what is going on in and around the White House I have no clue what to talk about. I have never really been involved in intelligent conversations about this either.. When it comes down to it, I really don't want to know anything. I think that we get into too many arguments about things that don't really mater, and to me politics is just one more of those in my life.

I know that there are really passionate people out there that really are on top of things and have really intelligent things to say about the issues, but I just can't get excited about politics.. I love to talk about what God is doing in people's lives, and in my own.. I love to talk about what is going on it the world as well, but i just can't speak intellectually about political issues.

I say all this, not just to start up a conversation, but to let you know that just because I am not going to vote doesn't mean that I will not support whoever is elected. I, by giving up my right to choose, am giving up my right to be angry..

I have always been a huge advocate for praying for our leaders, and people in power.. I know that it must be really hard to be in their position [constantly under the microscope]. Also, they may make mistakes, but they are still human like you and I, and will not be perfect [no matter what we think].. This can be applied to our pastors, teachers, and principals as well.

So as you head to the voting poles please keep in mind, no matter what happens, that the person that you don't like could be elected and think about how you will respond when that happens.. Will you be like the rest of the world and complain and argue [kill] that person, or will you respect, support and pray for that person..

Poll: Who is/isn't voting, why?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


So I got a chance to lead worship tonight for the first time in about a year. It felt good to be back doing it again.. I have always loved the idea and the practice of worship.

My set:

• Your Love is Everything

• Sing My Love

• From the Inside Out

• Beautiful

• Everything

It was a good night, kind of a long crazy weekend [driving, wedding, driving, in-laws, driving, leading worship] but I really enjoyed it.. I really like what Nate said too about the whole drinking thing.. [if you were not there the podcast should be up soon] It really put the responsibility/decision on us. This particular area doesn't really apply to me, but you can take the same principle and use it in other situations as well.

Poll: What did you think about the night.?

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So lately I have sort of created a weekly rhythm.. It looks a little like this.

Monday: "Family day/Sabbath" - run errands, hang with family, hang with God, play guitar, life group.

Tuesday: "Staff day" - Start with time with God, then a work meeting at YAKS on bechelli, and then [depending on the mood of the rest of the staff] a meeting either at the same place or at the Downtown Eatery, go home. [family • food • sleep]

Wednesday: "Work day" - Meet with God, work from home for a bit, meeting at Simpson YAKS, work from Simpson, go home. [family • food • sleep]

Thursday: "Work day" - Meetings at Starbucks, time with God, meetings at Simpson YAKS, go home. [family • food • sleep]

Friday: "real Work day" - Start with meeting God, then off to Starbucks or the Stirring office, and where ever I end up I work all day, go home, date night. [sleep]

Saturday: "Family day/Sabbath/catch-up Work day" - Pretty much do either of those things..

Sunday: "Church day" - Start with the Stirring at the new campus across town, and then grab a quick bite and head to the other Stirring campus, go home. [family • food • sleep]

I have learned how to schedule my meetings so that I know where I will be and when.. I also share my calendar with Bethany so that we know what is going on in each others lives. [it is pretty easy, if you would like me to help you with this, let me know] I am trying to create more margin in my life for things to still get done, at the same time have room for the unexpected..

Bethany and I also want to start having people over/go to other peoples houses once a week.. So let us know if you want to do that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Design 101..

I have had so many people ask me how to do certain things that I do, like.. How to create a web page, or how to find and or create photoshop brushes, or where to get fonts, or how to edit photos.. Well I think that soon I am going to have a blog on my web page where I answer such questions, and may have some video tutorials.. I will have to see how popular it will be, to know how much time I will want to spend on it.. I will keep you all posted.

Poll: How many of you would look at a blog like this.? What kinds of questions do you have that you would like to have answered.?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

my life.. busy..

I have been really busy lately, but I am really excited about the new work that I have been doing.. Over the next few months I will have some updates along the way.

Here are some of the things that I just finished..

This is a club card flier that I did for an amazing artist that I just met..

This is his website, for right now it is just the coming soon page, but hopefully soon.. I will have a sweet site up..

Poll: What have you been up to lately..?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Josiah's Sugar Rush..

So lately I have been a bit busy, and I can't apologize for not blogging..
I have been getting more jobs, I have been meeting with more people, I have been trying to get ready for the Stirring church plant [I can't believe that after several years of talking about this we are actually doing it, this weekend.. crazy!], and we also had Josiah's 1st birthday party, some of you were there, and we really appreciated your company.. Here are some pictures of Josiah eating a cupcake.

The funny thing is that Bethany had to show him that he could eat it, before she did he was just smashing it in between his fingers and throwing it.. Afterward we had to hose him off in the water fountain..

God is good, We have been asking God for some things lately and he has been providing them for us.. The next thing that we need is a new place to live. We need a 3 bedroom place..