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Thursday, August 14, 2008

the 7 hour trip that took 10..

So we left Redding, CA around 1:15pm and ended up in Portland, OR around 11:30pm.. Why did it take that long? you ask.. Well we only stopped a few times for gas and food, but once we got up to a town called Albany we ran into a standstill block of traffic.. For two hours!. At first we had no idea what was happening, so we called Bethany's sister, and she looked it up online.. She said that they had closed off a section of the highway.? I have never heard of that before, but she said it was because there were some grass fires along that part of the road.. She looked and found us an alternative route, which we later took, to get around the traffic.. but we were still about 10 miles or so from any exit.. That was the longest 10 miles ever.. Once we got off the exit, we looked for a place to eat, and there was nothing, so we ended up at Carls Jr. blahh.. Once we got done eating, we got back on the road, took the alternate route, and finally got on our way again.. Crazy..

Once we got to the place we are staying in Portland, we were greeted with open arms, and we already feel welcomed, and excited.. Thanks Mary, and Garrett..

There will deffinatley be pictures, and more adventures, so stay tuned..

Please continue to pray for us.. thanks..


--- Billy Brown said...

Hey-Albany! That's where Heather's from! I'll let her know that her town held you up. Have fun!

Candace said...

Craziness. I'm glad you made it though. How did Josiah do so far?

patrick hardy said...

he has been doing great.. we have an amazing son.. he looks around at everyone, especially dark skinned people.. and women. he loves people.. and he sleeps a lot.