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Saturday, July 26, 2008

why i don't have a scooter..

So last night we went over to Marty and Becky's house for a BBQ.. I brought the Cornhole [6 players, and 30ft of level ground is all you need to play.. just call and invite us.] We played, we had fun.. After it got dark, and the games were put away.. We decided to start riding Marty's scooter around the neighborhood.. Now these are not normal scooters, they are like mini motorcycles, like beefed up mopeds.. Anyhoo.. I decided that I would give it a try.. Well I had sandals on, and I was not wearing a helmet.. very dumb.. So I jumped on it and started riding up the hill, and when I got to the top of the hill I tried to turn around, and didn't really make a wide enough turn.. I got scared and forgot about the brakes, I think that I actually gave it more gas [you know how you do that some times when you want to brake..] I hit the curb and I flew off of the bike.. and the bike landed on me. If I think about what really happened, it was like I sort of fell to the side and the bike fell with me.. Anyway I got a few bruises and some scrapes, but no really damage.. I am very lucky.. I will think twice about doing something like this again.. Here are some pictures of my injuries.. Hip, elbow, hand, leg..


--- Billy Brown said...

Dude, I'm bummed I missed that.

By the way, I've made 8 eggs and 1 cup of rice last the whole day so far. It's on!

patrick hardy said...

i know, it happened right out side of your house.. i am surprised that you didn't hear us..

Trevor said...

SCORE! Patrick undie pics.

Becky Moseley said...

Too bad the bike got just as injured.

the lains said...

That was my question...How is the bike and where are the pics of it or the video of the accident!

Moseley said...

I could post some pictures of the bike...