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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the Dark Knight

So I finally got a chance to see it.. and it was good.. I was really skeptical because there was a ton of hype, but it was all true. The only thing I would say about it is some parts moved kind of slow, and there were a few places in the plot of the movie that I had trouble following, but overall a really good movie. I would totally recommend seeing it if you haven't..

It really made me want to go back and watch the older Batman movies. Maybe not the one with Arnold.. Anyone else want to try and track them down and watch them?

Also the Joker [Heath Ledger] made this movie..

Poll: How many of you saw this movie.? What did you think.?


Trevor said...

It was AMAZING! Heath Ledger as the Joker was the best super-hero villain ever.

Becky Moseley said...

Haven't seen it yet, since it's hard to nail down a babysitter. But we're hoping to go next week while my parents are in town, since they're happy to watch their grandson. Woo hoo! Can't wait!

Candace said...

Saw it. Loved it. Would see it again. You are right. Ledger made the movie. I also thought that Christian Bale allowed Ledger to make the movie. He kind of down played a little because he knew it would help the movie. Don't you think?

Kari said...

saw it and loved it!!

randy said...

I really liked it. and you are absolutely right, Heath made this movie what it is. Best joker ever...