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Monday, February 4, 2008

Church, more than six letters.

So it had been a while since I had posted anything, so I am going to post three in a row, maybe four.. This last post is a thought that I had on Sunday night in response to Nathan's [my pastor friend at the Stirring] message.. I am also going to be occasionally posting stuff on the new Stirring blog as well.. This time I want to post it on both..


Church is more than a six letter word..
Community, Love, Generosity, Selflessness, Humility, Life Giving, Family, Exciting, a Movement..

It's something worth giving your life to.!

When did church become about.. guilt, shame, loneliness, obligation, comfort, selfishness, criticism..?

It's more than a building. It's more than a membership. It's even more than a community..
It's a lifestyle.!

God calls us to live out what we learn. Share what we know. Care for those who can't. Live with the least. Love as though we care.!

1 comment:

Darren said...

I think when people realized they could gain power from the church that is when it began to be used for guilt, etc.

You're right though. It should be all about grace, acceptance, and restoration.