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Monday, February 11, 2008

Ohio and back.

So i just went on a trip to visit family and friends and now I am back. I realized that almost every time I go to Ohio, I am sick the entire time and a few days when I get back.. This totally is not fun.. but now I am back and I am busy. I thought that this trip would be really easy and that I could get some work done while I was gone, but I was wrong.. and now I have some catching up to do. So if you think about it pray for me.

We had a good time overall and, I just want to publicly thank my family for buying us tickets and flying out to visit. I love you guys. Thanks again,

Check out Skybus.. cheep tickets.

Poll: Where fun and exciting places are you flying to this year.?


Darren said...

Tickets from Skybus for the next couple months are pretty expensive. Em and I are trying to find tickets as soon as possible though.

Cincy Grandma said...

Happy Valentines Day Dear....I was hoping you would have written something "nice" about your visit to see your mom and family? I thought I was the only one who was sick while I had my family in town? Seriously though, I really enjoyed the time we all spent together and it was very hard to say goodbye! I'm looking everyday on Skybus.com for the $10 tickets they promised for the summer. Let me know if there is a time in June or July that will be bad for us to come visit because if they become available, Jim said we could come see you guys... Love you, Mom