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Thursday, April 3, 2008

too.. busy..

Hey, sorry I haven't blogged in a while.. but my birthday is this Sunday.. the 6th and because of the women's retreat, and Erase the Dark.. I am going to be having a b-lated birthday party at John Miller's house on the 12th.. [Next Saturday] at 2:00pm.. {There will be blood...} Not really, but we will be playing the Wii.. possibly some bowling, and maybe some Tiger Woods.. If you are around and would like to come, I can give you more details, or you can talk to Bethany..


Oh.. I am turning 28.. what the heck.!


Blue said...

Happy Birthday! tomorrow. You are getting so old.

Darren said...

You are old!

nathan said...

yep, happy birthday ... 28 ... unbelievable ...