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Monday, April 14, 2008

Photos for sale.. well sort of.

Ok.. So the erase the dark was an amazing success. We raised a bunch of money. We also had a ton of artist that were able to donate time/effort to the night.. Thanks to everyone that was a part of the event..

I also heard from a lot of people that they really like my photos, so I have decided to sell the ones that I put into the auction, for just the price of the printing, the frame, and a little of my time and effort.. The pictures are below, just let me know if and which one(s) you would like to buy, and I will let you know how much.. Basically, it just depends on the size that you want..

Fence Post






Grammy Pammy said...

Patrick, You did a really nice job on those pictures. You really have talent...But then I always knew that! Love you, Mom

Darren said...

That fence post looks a bit too phallic for me, but the art work is great.