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Thursday, May 1, 2008

a daddy moment.

Ok. So last night was really hard for some reason.. Josiah, [if you don't know who this is, you must be new, but you can see pictures and read stories, either on this blog, or my wife's].. was a little sick and possibly cutting more teeth.. So he was a little cranky. Bethany had to get up quite a few more times than normal, and was really tired.. After a few minutes of silence, Josiah started screaming and wouldn't let up.. Bethany, really frustrated, said "just leave him, he will fall asleep".. I couldn't really listen to him cry much longer, so i decided to get up and take him into the living room where I would just let him fall asleep on me.. and that is exactly what he did..

I was just sitting on the couch holding my son and watching him sleep, and even though my neck was a little sore from looking down at him, I really just had a moment with my son.. I just looked at his little feet, and hands [he sleeps with his hands next to his face]..

So this blog is for the Father's out there.. Spend time with your kids.. Enjoy what God has given us.. Kids grow up fast and we shouldn't miss a moment with them.. Keep being great fathers..

And mom's we love the way that you take care of our kids, and how much you love and spend time with them.. Please don't stop!. But again, relish the moments that you have with them..


What are some great moments that you have had with your kids.?

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